Reviewer Board
Kui Hong
The Second Affiliated Hosopital of Nanchang University
Interests: Arrhythmia; Atrial fibrillation; Cardiomyopathy; Syncope
Tao Jiang
Beijing Neurosurgical Institute, Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China
Interests: Glioma; Molecular Classification; Individualized Comprehensive Therapy; Molecular Targeted Therapy
Yan Yao
Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing, China
Interests: Cardiovascular Disease; Heart Rhythm; Syncope; Sudden Cardiac Death; Autonomous Nerve
Nancy Saad
College of Medicine, DHLRI, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Ohio, United States
Interests: Contractile and Kinetic Properties of Failing Human Myocardium; Cardiovascular Dysfunctions and Complications Associated with Thyroid Gland Disorders; the Differences in Contractile Protein Expression across Different Age Groups in Human Myocardial Tissue
Anosh Tahir
Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi, Pakistan
Interests: Pharmacology; Neuropharmacology; Reproductive Animal (Rat) Studies; Preclinical Medicinal Research; Cardiovascular Pharmacology and related fields
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Brain & Heart, Electronic ISSN: 2972-4139 Published by AccScience Publishing